Eleven Fathoms helps you sell your products online by showcasing it through its official website, social media platforms and offline channels. To ensure a transparent and reliable relation between Eleven Fathoms, buyers and sellers, we want you to follow the Seller Code of Conduct. Read below to know more.

Seller Code Of Conduct

  • Always maintain the correct information of your account like contact information and bank account details.
  • Never list products which are of poor quality and are harmful for users.
  • Never contact the customer / buyer directly through their email, address or phone numbers by any means, for any purpose whatsoever.
  • Never use the customer contact information to redirect them to your website, store, social media or offers through online or offline means.
  • Do not share the customer’s information like their purchase history, contact details etc. with anyone.
  • Always provide the correct and actual images of your products, never mislead Eleven Fathoms or its customers. Listing your products in the correct category is important. 
  • Always keep communication transparent and trustworthy between your business and Eleven Fathoms.
  • Maintain your bank accounts, invoices and GST account on a regular basis.
  • Always keep Eleven Fathoms updated about your current stock, if a product is not available, let us know so we can remove it from the listing.
  • If an item needs to be returned, actively help in the return and refund process with Eleven Fathoms customer care executives.
  • Always use the prescribed Invoice format, shipping label format and packaging method. 
  • Seller must ship the order within 24 hours of receiving it and communicate efficiently with Eleven Fathoms about the process.
  • Sellers must follow our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
  • In case the Seller needs help, reach out to us via our Contact Us page.
Violation of the Code of Conduct might lead to loss of your selling account and removal from the website.